Yeasty Mosaic at Disney's California Adventure

Yeasty Mosaic at Disney's California Adventure
Yeasty Mosaic at Disney's California Adventure

Friday, June 1, 2012

Getting Creative with a Bird Bath

I received this beautiful bird bath for my birthday last month. It is pretty awesome because it allows you to plant flowers in a ring at the bottom so the entire piece can brighten up a corner of your world.

I also received a small batter-operated "water wiggler" (see photo) which keeps the water moving, making the bath more attrative to birds and less of an egg-dropping spot for mosquitoes.

So far, though, we haven't been abale to attract any birds to the bath. I placed it right next to the hummingbird feeder so that the littlest birds would see it and use it to drink and bathe. No such luck.

We also placed the entire bird bath on a small table to raise it up in the corner of the deck so birds might feel more comfortable stopping by for a drink. We plan to build a small structure in the deck corner out of some leftover bricks to set the bird bath on so it is raised.

I am also trying another Plan B, which has me hanging a tray of bird seed directly next to the bird bath to see if the birds will stop to nosh and notice the bath. A titmouse (the most curious of backyard birds I think) was checking out the seed yesterday, so I am hopeful this will work!


  1. That bird bath is awesome! Love it, can you hear the bubbler, the white noise would be so relaxing.

  2. No, the little wiggler is silent. But it does a good job of keeping the water moving and fresh.

  3. Hi Teri, I think birds like to bath in the open somewhere so they can keep an eye on which 'enenmy' might be lurking then they can fly away quickly. I don't know for sure. I am surprised the squirrels or neighborhood cats haven't found it. It is lovely.


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I am the creator of the web's premiere Baby Boomer site: Boom This: A Generational Thing!(